Your GOLDENPATH Evaluation: Prime Gifts - Venus - Pearl Sequence

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Your Golden Path is a threefold journey. The path through your Prime Gifts supports you to fully embody your life's Purpose and to find Core Stability in this embodiment. It is a process of discovering and activating your genius.

The Venus Sequence is the path of opening your heart through into connectedness through aligning with your attractor field and releasing your defence patterns. This path supports you to fully feel into and connect with your
Core Talent.

The Pearl - the release of your prosperity in authentic contribution - is the state or stage of synchronicity with the greater whole. This third path leads into a deep understanding of how to offer our
Core Contribution. It supports the growth of our ability to truly be of service in the world.

You can see an example of a celebrity GOLDENPATH Evaluation here

You are welcome to
order your personal GOLDENPATH Evaluation for $ 49 here
If you want to order all Evaluations, the BODYGRAPH + GOLDENPATH Evaluations Package is available for $ 75 also here

Want to save some money? You can order your Evaluations in EUR € here at a little cheaper rate. Currency Converter

Note: The GOLDENPATH Evaluation contains the full PRIMEGIFTS Evaluation.

You can order
Richard Rudd's Venus Sequence Program - Opening your heart through Relationships - here.
