You are welcome to take a look at examples of our english Evaluations below.
(For german speaking visitors: Beispiele unserer deutschsprachigen Auswertungen finden Sie hier)
We are constantly improving and expanding these Evaluations. If you want to see the latest version, please empty your browser cache, restart your browser, and click on one of the links below.
Note: The BODYGRAPH Evaluation contains the full BASICCHART. The GOLDENPATH Evaluation contains the full PRIMEGIFTS Evaluation.
To order your Evaluations, please proceed here
Examples of IntegralHumanDesign Evaluations
Current versions: January 20, 2021
(For german speaking visitors: Beispiele unserer deutschsprachigen Auswertungen finden Sie hier)
We are constantly improving and expanding these Evaluations. If you want to see the latest version, please empty your browser cache, restart your browser, and click on one of the links below.
Note: The BODYGRAPH Evaluation contains the full BASICCHART. The GOLDENPATH Evaluation contains the full PRIMEGIFTS Evaluation.
To order your Evaluations, please proceed here
Examples of IntegralHumanDesign Evaluations
Current versions: January 20, 2021